Scholarships and Entrepreneur Grants

Les Dames d’Escoffier Philadelphia is dedicated to promoting and supporting women in the culinary and hospitality fields - both our cadre of successful professionals and our future members. To that end, we offer scholarships to women enrolled in academic programs, and grants to women seeking to improve their business.


To encourage talented women to further their culinary and hospitality careers, we are pleased to offer two $3000 academic (student) scholarships to be awarded to women in the Philadelphia area pursuing careers in the food, beverage or hospitality fields. These scholarships are also open to female students pursuing careers in food or food-related disciplines such as nutrition and food studies. One scholarship is targeted to students currently enrolled in or planning to enroll in a culinary school or food-related college program and one to women who are either first-generation college attendees, attending college or culinary school as a returning or older student, or entering college or culinary school as a second career.

 Please fill out the application here: The application deadline is November 17, 2024. Scholarships will be awarded in December 2024.

Please contact Dame Janet Chrzan at if you have any questions about the LDEI Philadelphia scholarships.



Les Dames d‘Escoffier Philadelphia announces two (2) Business Development Grants totaling $10,000 available to women in the Greater Philadelphia Area.

The Startup Grant awards $2500 for the development of a new business plan and costs related to new business development. Grant money can be used for business expenses such as obtaining a tax ID, registering as a legal entity, website development, and other related costs.

 The Development Grant awards $7500 to expand, add value and/or services, or improve an established (one-year-plus) food, beverage or hospitality-focused business.

Each grant also includes 25 hours of mentoring from LDEI members with experience related to the recipient’s business goals and a one-year provisional membership to the LDEI Philadelphia Chapter.